We are pleased to update you on the changes to the Long-Term Care Visitor Guidelines. Please be mindful that visitation guidelines are subject to change in the event of an outbreak. Here is a clear outline of what Wynn Park is currently allowing:
- Wynn Park Villa’s main entrance will be open to our regular visiting hours of 8am-8pm, Monday through Sunday. Please note you will still need to enter the code listed above the keypad to the right of the double door entry to unlock the door.
- Covid-19 screening questions remain at the main entrance for all visitors to read. Please do not visit the facility if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19.
- While proof of vaccination is no longer required for visitors, Wynn Park Villa recommends and encourages all visitors to be fully vaccinated.
- Visitors are asked to perform hand hygiene when they enter the facility.
- Visitors are no longer required to wear medical masks while in the facility. Masks will continue to be supplied at the main entrance for those Visitors and Residents who would prefer to wear a mask.

Wynn Park Villa Gardens