Eyeglasses, Dentures, Hearing Aids
It is the responsibility of the family to ensure that eyeglasses, dentures, and hearing aids are ordered and purchased as needed. Please note that Wynn Park Villa is not responsible for the purchase or replacement of glasses, dentures or hearing aids.
All meals are prepared and cooked within the facility by our team of professional cooks and dietary staff. Mealtimes are 8:30am, 12:30pm and 4:15pm with a morning and afternoon drink and a snack if wanted. Night snack is also offered.
Families/Friends may bring in store bought items, however, all other food brought in homemade (sandwiches, soups, sweets) needs to be individually packaged and is not to be shared with other residents. Please check with the nurse in charge before giving another resident, other than your loved one anything brought in from your home or the community.
Each resident room has a television outlet for cable television and a phone outlet for your own personal phone. It is optional for the family to pay a monthly charge for cable television. However, phone and internet services are the responsibility of the family. It is down to the family to contact the phone company and set up an account. If you would like to have an individual telephone line and/or internet, please contact a local provider.
Hairdresser Services

We have a hairdresser onsite. Services are available at reasonable rates. You can make an appointment at the front desk or directly with the hairdresser. Payment will be deducted from the residents Trust Account by the Director of Finance and then given to the hairdresser.
If residents would like to send mail, they can do so by bringing it to the front desk. There is a black shelf on the edge of the desk for outgoing mail. The mail carrier will pick it up when he or she delivers the incoming mail. Stamps can be purchased at the Café.
At Wynn Park Villa we have five designated beds for Veterans. Department of Veterans Affiars are available for support. Walking Aids/Wheelchairs etc. can be loaned to veterans who may require assistance over time. The Veterans also have great support from our local legions. Each and every one of our verterans played an integrated part in our history and we are honoured to be able to provide them a home in our faciltiy.